6015-007 Dynafit Radical Bindings

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Building on the success of its predecessor, the reinforced heelpiece is now rugged than ever. Towers in the toepiece to make stepping in as easy as possible and independent vertical and lateral release adjustment. By choosing forged aluminum for its construction, Dynafit managed to make a solid and reliable binding that won't hold you back on the skin track.

  • Power plate under toe binding provides additional support and improved torsional rigidity
  • Towers in toepiece block forward toe movement, easing entry and reducing potential for pre-release
  • Heel piece rotates fully for skiing and touring (remove ski to change from ski to tour mode)
  • Heel lifts have medium and high settings for climbing
  • Heel piece has a total fore/aft adjustment of 12.5mm
  • Brake is permanently attached and cannot be removed from the mounting plate